11 June 2024

Final Inspire for 2023-24!

We would like to send our sincere congratulations to RCHK's Class of 2024. Well done on all of your achievements! We  eagerly await your final results. If you need help or advice once results are released on 06 July, please get in touch with your FE counsellor.

Summer feels like it's already here, and we hope that everyone gets to enjoy a well-deserved, safe and restful summer break. Take care of yourselves and please stay in touch!

Warm regards from your RCHK FE Team!

Final Reminders for Y13

Year 10 & 11: FE-Focused Core classes 

Recently we began our Year 10 & 11 FE-focused Core classes. 

In Year 10 we have been working on developing a CV that students can use when applying for WOW placements, which are happening in November 2024. In preparation for this, they have considered skills, strengths and interests, and how this translates to the workplaces that students might like to explore next year.

In Year 11 we have been considering priorities as they relate to approaches to learning, subject options, making the most of opportunities and exploring different countries' post-secondary options.

You can access Y10 lessons here and Y11 lessons here.

Year 12 Students - You can book your meeting with your FE Counsellor! 

Although our mandatory meetings have ended, you can always book a meeting with your FE counsellor when you have important matters to discuss with them.

Please book an appointment through the 'youcanbookme' website (links below):

Ms. Rossiter: Song + Qing House family names A-G - https://aletharossiter.youcanbook.me/

Mr. Van: Tang + Qing House family name H-L - https://vaned2.youcanbook.me/

Ms. Cheung: Ming + Qing House family names M-Z - https://kukucheung.youcanbook.me/

Please note that you CANNOT miss class time for this meeting.

IBCP/DP Corner

May Visits at RCHK...

The University of Melbourne

The University of Melbourne visited us on 8 May! Many students came to meet the university rep and do some valuable research. You can read our FE Ambassadors' notes from the talk here.

FE Core Classes for Year 12 

Missed our last FE Core classes?

You can access the Year 12 Core 6 (May/June) slides HERE 

2024-2025 Internal FE Deadlines

You can view the GDoc HERE 

The FE team sets internal deadlines to help Year 13 students keep on track with their university applications.

Parents and students can view these deadlines on the Inspire sidebar, under Year 13 > Y13 Deadlines

If you have any questions, please email careers@rchk.edu.hk

Further Education Exploration

How It All Started

World of Work (WoW) allows students to experience the process of searching and applying for jobs. As someone who doesn’t like a desk job, I decided to explore my childhood curiosity of working with animals. With the guidance of faculty, I was referred to Catherine Lumsden who operates a dog shelter called Sai Kung Stray Friends.

My role at the shelter involved feeding, cleaning, and socializing with the dogs. As the week progressed, what I had thought would be week of fun and easy work, became a passion that I continued into the IB curriculum.

Meet our alumnus - Collin Lee!

Greetings from the land of maple syrup and terrorizing geese! My name is Collin Lee Jong Heuk, Class of 2016, and I am here to share my journey from shelter volunteer to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) alongside my colleagues as part of the graduating Class of 2024 at the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC), Canada.

Preparation for Veterinary School

The transition into university was seamless and shows how effectively the IB curriculum and diverse faculty at RCHK prepared us to succeed.

Embarrassingly, when I applied to the University of Guelph, I had mistaken the Undeclared Major in Commerce as a General Undeclared Major. I had aimed to complete the high school Biology prerequisite and transition into Animal Biology. Instead, I spent a semester taking Business and Economics courses, which - to be fair – was helpful to learn about.

Within my first year, I completed the prerequisite and transferred into Bachelor of Science for Animal Biology. During this period, I began completing the prerequisite courses that the DVM required from their applicants. These prerequisites ranged from Biology and Chemistry to Social Sciences/Psychology and typically takes 2 academic years to complete all prerequisites.

While I’m a firm believer of having a balanced lifestyle, my undergraduate years favoured studying. Spending hours daily at the library with my study group was the only reason I excelled at my courses and achieved competitive marks for OVC. However, academics were not the only requirements.

Alongside academic prerequisites were extracurricular prerequisites within the veterinary industry. I took every summer opportunity to work with veterinarians and producers, ranging from Pet Central vets to Ocean Park exotics and finally, working as a farmhand at an alpaca farm!

What’s Next?

The philosophy going forward is simple and one that was emphasized from the very beginning of my veterinary curriculum – ‘Lifelong learning’. Regardless of years of experience, there will always be something new to learn, either clinically or socially. If you are prepared learn and grow from your failures/ nothing will feel impossible.

Thank you for taking the time to read about my rather hectic journey. I would also like to extend my gratitude to the faculty and administration for always welcoming us alumni back and hope to see you all again soon!

Summer reading for parents & students

RCHK Careers Fair 2024!

As part of our RCHK Careers Day, 15 RCHK alumni who graduated between 2008 and 2019 will be on campus to share their wisdom and career journeys with current Year 11 students on 20 June.

University Visits in the Summer

If you're planning to visit universities this summer and attend a tour or information session, the person taking you around is likely a current student. Use this opportunity to ask questions you cannot find on the websites to make the most out of your visit. 

Here are some questions that you can ask your tour guide:

(from questions to ask on a college visit

This podcast explores how students got into specific universities 

Each week the Admit One podcast talks to a student that has successfully navigated the university admissions process and got into a great school.

In Episode 5, Lorenzo discusses the strategy he used to successfully apply to the University of Pennsylvania. Lorenzo talks about how he merged his interests in animals and culture to establish a unique interdisciplinary passion project.

Check out the episode - 'How I got into UPenn'


UC Santa Barbara - Virtual Presentations for Future Freshman Applicants 

Freshman admissions counselors are excited to share more about UC Santa Barbara with you, whether you're an applicant or prospective student. Join the Office of Admissions for presentations about student life, exploring UCSB's campus & community, and more. All sessions will end with live Q&A.

This is great as all UC applications are the same process and questions. 

University of Otago (New Zealand) Health Sciences Programmes

Learn more about studying Health Sciences at a leading university in New Zealand and  recognised as one of the most beautiful campuses in the world.




REMINDER: If you need supporting documents sent to summer programs, we need two weeks' notice

Many summer programs will require supporting documents. The FE office sends these on your behalf, but in order to do this, you need to tell us WHAT to send and WHERE to send it. Also, we need two weeks' notice

So please, any time you submit an application, send the following details to applications@rchk.edu.hk:

ESSEC Business & Leadership Immersion Program

During this program, students will delve into business fundamentals such as marketing and finance, with a brief introduction to artificial intelligence (AI). They will also attend professional workshops led by distinguished professors, visit a global company and engage in an exciting project challenge. This camp provides a wonderful opportunity for students in years 10-13  to showcase their interest in business events and enrich their CVs for their applications.


This event has limited slots, do register early - to secure a spot!

Registration here

UofT Pre-University Programs

Notre Dame Pre-College Online Programme

Take a Notre Dame Pre-College course where lessons by professors are delivered through dynamic videos, so you can tune in whenever your schedule allows. Work with mentors who can support you and answer questions as you deepen your learning experience. For each course, you can earn a Certificate of Completion from the University of Notre Dame.

Choose are from two to four weeks and you can choose from the following list:

Click here for more Summer Programmes!

To Book an Appointment with your FE Counsellor...


Go to 'See your Counsellor' if you are not sure who your counsellor is.

Ms. Cheung https://kukucheung.youcanbook.me 

Ms. Rossiter https://aletharossiter.youcanbook.me

Mr. Van https://vaned2.youcanbook.me