05 March 2024

Important Reminders for Y13

Do you need supporting documents sent to universities?

Most of your applications will require supporting documents. The FE office sends these on your behalf, but in order to do this, you need to tell us WHAT to send and WHERE to send it. So please, any time you submit an application, send the following details to applications@rchk.edu.hk:

Still considering other universities? Have a look at the upcoming OFFICIAL DEADLINES for...

*Please refer to the official university websites for the most up-to-date information

Hong Kong Jockey Club Striding On Scholarship

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Striding On Scholarship aims to recognise students who have achieved excellence while demonstrating resilience and strength of mind to overcome adversities or challenges in life, and support these students' undergraduate studies in Hong Kong. 

The selection of the recipient for the Striding On Scholarship will comprehensively evaluate:

The scholarship supports students to pursue their undergraduate studies in Hong Kong:

Interested Year 13 students should contact their FE counsellor!

Important Reminders for Y12

Year 12 Students - You can book your meeting with your FE Counsellor! (repeat)

We started conducting 1-2-1 FE meetings at the end of January and these meetings will continue right up until Easter break.

You can book an appointment through the 'youcanbookme' website (links below):

Ms. Rossiter: Song + Qing House family names A-G - https://aletharossiter.youcanbook.me/

Mr. Van: Tang + Qing House family name H-L - https://vaned2.youcanbook.me/

Ms. Cheung: Ming + Qing House family names M-Z - https://kukucheung.youcanbook.me/

In order to prepare for this initial meeting, please update your Unifrog account by creating/editing your shortlist of university choices.

Please note that you CANNOT miss class time for this meeting.

IBCP/DP Corner

Imperial, UCL & KCL Visit

On February 19 the FE team hosted Imperial, UCL and KCL for an after-school presentation, which was extremely well-attended. This is not surprising, as these three universities are among the top universities globally.

They started with a general talk on studying in the UK and then each representative spoke specifically about their own institution and what makes it unique from the others.

Special thanks to the FE Ambassadors who put together a set of notes that you can read here!

"This was an eye-opening taster that shed light onto what top UK universities offer and the specific ways to get into these universities – such as a high-quality personal statement, focused academics and attending summer courses. This visit gave us more direction as to what aspects of their profile they must develop in order to enter these universities; and we are so grateful for the insight this talk has offered!" - Athan W, 11.2

FE Core Classes for Year 12 & 13

Year 12 FE Core Classes

8 Mar, 10 May, 17 May, 14 June, 21 June
MING & SONG - 6/F Seminar Room
TANG & QING - 4/F DP Lounge
All Y12 students attend each session

Year 13 FE Core Classes
Core 1 - Core 2 - 22 Mar (P1) / Core 3 - 22 Mar (P2)
*Please find out if you are in Core, 1, 2 or 3 as you only attend one class*
*All classes will take place in the 4/floor DP Lounge for Y13 unless otherwise stated* 

Missed our last FE Core classes?

You can access the Year 12 Core 4 slides HERE and the Year 13 Core 3 slides HERE.

2023-2024 Internal FE Deadlines

You can view the GDoc HERE 

The FE team sets internal deadlines to help Year 13 students keep on track with their university applications.

Parents and students can view these deadlines on the Inspire sidebar, under Year 13 > Y13 Deadlines

If you have any questions, please email careers@rchk.edu.hk

Further Education Exploration

Check out the latest podcast from Southhampton about Formula 1!

Every month, this podcast covers different parts of the student experience, such as leaving home, money, careers advice, studying online, studying abroad and cooking. This podcast can help make your student journey a bit easier!

In their latest episode, they sit down with the Head of Mechanical Design at Williams F1, Doug Nevill for a glimpse behind the scenes into what it's like to work for a Formula 1 team and what he does day to day. He also shares his thoughts on Williams' journey over the years and advice on how to get into Motorsport.

Listen HERE!

...and this podcast about how students got into specific schools 

Each week the Admit One podcast talks to a student that has successfully navigated the university admissions process and got into a great school.

Students share their academic profile, extracurricular activities and application tips.

Check out this episode - 'How I got into Boston U'

Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies, HKUST (repeat)

To further enhance HKUST's interdisciplinary research and education, the Interdisciplinary Program Office (IPO) has been officially elevated to become the Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS), one of the Schools of HKUST.

AIS currently offers five UG programs: 

You can find more info HERE

Do you have a unique hobby?

One effective way for you to distinguish yourself is by cultivating a unique hobby or skill. This approach showcases your individuality and highlights your dedication and passion, qualities that universities highly value.

Developing a unique hobby or skill demonstrates an ability to commit to and excel in an area of interest. It could be anything from mastering a musical instrument, engaging in a less popular sport, exploring an unconventional art form, to programming innovative software. These pursuits reflect your personality and creativity, offering a glimpse into who you are - beyond your grades and test scores.

Also, a unique hobby or skill can be a talking point in college essays and interviews. It provides a narrative that can really engage admissions officers, allowing the you to present a memorable and authentic image of yourself. This personal story can resonate more profoundly than standard extracurriculars, setting you apart in a pool of applicants.

(from https://acceptu.com/blog)

Study a UK Medicine Degree in Malta 2024

The Queen Mary University of London MBBS Malta has become one of the most popular programmes in Europe. As application numbers continue to increase the university have brought forward the deadline date. All applications need to be fully submitted by 31 March 2024.

The tuition fees for this programme are €35,000 per year for the 2024 enrolment which represents a significant saving for international students who are planning to study in the UK.

Applications are 100% free of charge with Medical Doorway and outside of UCAS. All applicants will need a UCAT. The university will consider a UCAT from 2023, or they will be able to take this in 2024 if they have not yet met the UCAT requirements.

The application link is here!


University Visits

5 Canadian institutions: Western University, King's College @ Western, Huron @ Western, Guelph University, University of Victoria

Highly rated universities offering all programs - and - some excellent scholarships for international students, especially via applying to Huron.


CUHK Law Taster Lecture

CUHK's Law faculty will be visiting RCHK to introduce their Bachelor of Laws programme and discuss opportunities available for law students at their university. Everyone is welcome to attend!

The visit will include a Law Taster Lecture and Q&A session.


Keele University

Keele is an excellent university with some highly competitive programs and some great scholarships as well


University of Calgary

The University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada is a comprehensive research university and a hub of entrepreneurship


University of Galway (Ireland)

The University of Galway in Ireland is a comprehensive research university offering over 60 courses you can apply for



Introduction to Engineering Webinar

Join U of T Engineering Recruitment staff on March 11th for this special online presentation. The first 30 minutes will be an overview of their Engineering programs, opportunities, academic requirements and community. Afterwards, there will be an interactive period led by an Engineering Recruitment Officer where they will answer any questions you have about applying to and studying at U of T Engineering. This presentation is designed for students currently in Years 10 and 11.

Register for Introduction to Engineering

Imperial, King’s and UCL Joint Subject Webinars

The World Class Study in London (WCSiL) group – Imperial, King’s and UCL – are collaborating once again on events for students in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong S.A.R. and Macau S.A.R who are considering university study in the UK.

They have put together academic webinars intended for students starting university in 2025 and beyond.

Please take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to do some focused research!

Event Format:

This is an opportunity to ask questions to their academic staff and current students directly.

The event has three sessions and each one will cover a popular subject area: 

Students MUST register for the subject(s) they are interested in by clicking on the relevant event links above.  


CityU College of Engineering Bright Future Engineering Talent Hub - Summer STEM Activities (repeat)

The Hub organised 3 STEM activities in Summer 2023, with more than 900 secondary school students participating!

Building on its success, the Hub will continue to organise a series of experiential, fun and interactive activities for secondary school students in Summer 2024 to raise their interest in engineering.  These activities are all free of charge and open for students Y7-Y12.


Activity Date Application Deadline

Please submit your online applications by the corresponding deadlines. 

For more details and application links, please visit their website.


REMINDER: If you need supporting documents sent to Summer Programs the deadline to inform FE is March 11 (upcoming Monday)

Many summer programs will require supporting documents. The FE office sends these on your behalf, but in order to do this, you need to tell us WHAT to send and WHERE to send it. So please, any time you submit an application, send the following details to applications@rchk.edu.hk:

Newcastle Uni Medical Sciences Summer School

Newcastle University will be holding a pre-university summer school for students preparing to apply for medicine for the 2025 academic year. Students must be 16 or 17 years old during the summer school. 

Programme will include:

Click HERE for more info!

KCL Summer School

King’s offers the largest Pre-university Summer School in the UK, for excellent High School students aged 16-17 to explore university life, London and subject areas of interest. There are three one-week sessions in Summer 2024, allowing students to study up to three different modules on their central London campus for between one and three weeks. 

King’s Pre-University Summer Programme is now open for application until 31 March 2024. 

Please note: Early application offers (for applications until 14 February 2024): no application fee and save £105 on single session Pre-University Summer School

Click HERE for more info! 

Summer programs at Oberlin Conservatory

Oberlin's summer programs in Ohio provide a supportive environment for students to develop their musicianship and gain new skills. They are also an excellent way for students to get a sense of what it's like to study at Oberlin Conservatory. Summer program participants work with Oberlin's esteemed studio faculty and guest artists, and experience the Oberlin community.

You can find details about all of their summer opportunities, including harp, trumpet, piano and more HERE!

Cornell Pre-College Summer Programme

If you want to take a summer course but cannot go abroad, how about doing it online? Choose from dozens of three- and six-week online undergraduate Cornell courses in Arts and Architecture, Business and Hotel Management, Health and Humanities, International Relations, Psychology, Science and Technology, Sustainability, Veterinary Medicine, and more! More courses will be added in the coming months.

Courses are offered between June 3 and August 6, 2024. 

Click here for application information!

UC Berkeley - College of Environmental Design

Are you interested in architecture, design or related areas? The Berkeley College of Environmental Design offers intensive summer programs for students to experience the culture of design and planning studios, earn college-level credit and develop compelling materials for their design portfolio. For more information on Applications

Georgetown University offers pre-college online courses for high school students ages 13 and older. Each features dynamic video lessons by renowned Georgetown faculty and access to mentors. The program is available year-round, and the online format enables you to study anywhere, anytime, at your own pace. This flexibility allows you to take multiple courses and discover a variety of academic areas of interest.

Find out more about the courses available!

Temple University - Japan Campus

Experience a summer of language and cultural experiences in Japan whilst studying one of the following electives: Film, Art, Business, International Affairs. The 8-night programme includes adventures in Tokyo, an overnight excursion to Nikko, and a trip to DisneySea. Click here for more information! 

Location: UofT St. George Campus.

From its home in the University of Toronto’s Medical Sciences Building, in the heart of Toronto’s “Medical Discovery District”, Med YSP offers students the opportunity to learn about science/medicine and conduct life science labs. Join students from across Canada and the World to explore various diseases, the next generation of treatments, and what it takes to become a health professional.

Modules Covered

Module 1: Human Physiology - Discover How The Body Works Monda

Module 2: Microbiology - Learn To Appreciate The Little Things in Life 

Module 3: Molecular Biology and Genetics - Applications in Forensics & Medicine)

Module 4: Pharmacology & Toxicology - Medications, Drugs & The Body

Click here for more Summer Programmes!

To Book an Appointment with your FE Counsellor...


Go to 'See your Counsellor' if you are not sure who your counsellor is.

Ms. Cheung https://kukucheung.youcanbook.me 

Ms. Rossiter https://aletharossiter.youcanbook.me

Mr. Van https://vaned2.youcanbook.me