06 February 2024

Important Reminders for Y13

Do you need supporting documents sent to universities?

Most applications that you make will require supporting documents as well. The FE office sends these on your behalf, but in order to do this, you need to tell us WHAT to send and WHERE to send it. So please, any time you submit an application, send the following details to applications@rchk.edu.hk:

Still considering other universities? Have a look at the upcoming OFFICIAL DEADLINES for...

*Please refer to the official university websites for the most up-to-date information

Important Reminders for Y12

Year 12 Students - You can book your meeting with your FE Counsellor! 

We started conducting 1-2-1 FE meetings at the end of January and these meetings will continue right up until Easter break.

You can book an appointment through the 'youcanbookme' website (links below):

Ms. Rossiter: Song + Qing House family names A-G - https://aletharossiter.youcanbook.me/

Mr. Van: Tang + Qing House family name H-L - https://vaned2.youcanbook.me/

Ms. Cheung: Ming + Qing House family names M-Z - https://kukucheung.youcanbook.me/

In order to prepare for this initial meeting, please update your Unifrog account by creating/editing your shortlist of university choices.

Please note that you CANNOT miss class time for this meeting.

Remember to submit your Reference Writer Request Form on time!

All Year 12 students need at least ONE reference letter to support their university applications, so everyone MUST complete the Reference Writer Request form.

Why so early?

We need time to process your requests and teachers need time to write the letters (especially teachers who are leaving at the end of the school year)!

The Rules

You can find the link to the form HERE (you can only access it with your RC email)

IBCP/DP Corner

Year 12s attended the ESF University Fair!

Last Friday the entire Year 12 cohort, alond with the FE team, trekked all the way over to South Island School for the ESF Higher Education Fair! This year saw the return to the original in-person format, which was welcomed by students and staff!

Marco C. said, "The ESF Uni Fair was very useful as it allowed me to talk to a representative face to face. There were many questions I had that I couldn't find an answer to online, and chatting in person sped up the process. I asked about some of the finer details of campus life, extracurricular activities, and some things that could help my applications. It was nice to see some other universities that I hadn't considered before and after hearing good things about the campus and academics of the University of Sterling, I went over to check it out. It's now definitely somewhere I am considering going, as their BA in International Politics looks great!"

"The university fair was extremely informative and successful. This time, I went to the fair with targets in mind, being intrigued by the universities of the UK and Hong Kong as a student who wants to study English and linguistics in the future. I was able to gain new information that I failed to ask about during the previous university fair. This gave me a better understanding of entry requirements for my ideal courses and universities, along with additional tips provided by the staff members, who were all very kind and friendly.” - Chloe S.

“The Hong Kong universities were very informative and helpful; they gave me an additional information email option to contact and also talked about extracurricular courses for secondary students aspiring to attend their universities.” - Danielle L.

FE Core Classes for Year 12 & 13

Year 12 FE Core Classes

1 Mar, 8 Mar, 10 May, 17 May, 14 June, 21 June
MING & QING - 4/F DP Lounge
TANG & SONG - 6/F Seminar Room
All Y12 students attend each session

Year 13 FE Core Classes
Core 1 - 08 Feb /  Core 2 -  23 Feb (P1) /  Core 3 - 23 Feb (P2)
Core 1 - 14 Mar / Core 2 - 22 Mar (P1) / Core 3 - 22 Mar (P2)
*Please find out if you are in Core, 1, 2 or 3 as you only attend one class*
*All classes will take place in the 4/floor DP Lounge for Y13 unless otherwise stated* 

Missed our last FE Core classes?

You can access the Year 12 Core 4 slides HERE and the Year 13 Core 3 slides HERE.

2023-2024 Internal FE Deadlines

You can view the GDoc HERE 

The FE team sets internal deadlines to help Year 13 students keep on track with their university applications.

Parents and students can view these deadlines on the Inspire sidebar, under Year 13 > Y13 Deadlines

If you have any questions, please email careers@rchk.edu.hk

Further Education Exploration

 USC Summer - Virtual Information Session

Join this virtual information session to hear all about USC Summer Programs and gain direct knowledge about the 2024 program.

In this upcoming webinar, they will highlight the benefits of attending USC Summer Programs, dive into their on-campus experience and discuss application best practices and common mistakes!

You’ll also have the opportunity to ask their staff questions through the Q&A feature on Zoom that will be answered in real time.


If you are not able to join their webinar, you can also get more information HERE

AMSAHK - MedStart - 23-24 March

Organised by the Asian Medical Students' Association Hong Kong (AMSAHK), MedStart is a 2-day medical school immersion program for secondary school students who are interested in applying to medical school. Their theme this year is Health Innovation and Technology. This program provides aspiring medics a glimpse into the life of a medical student, and how our knowledge relates to and impacts the world around us, while touching on how technology is impacting the healthcare sector.


Application Deadline: 11 February 2024 (Sunday), 11:59 pm

Medical School Webinars in February

Join Medical Doorway and Professor Chloe Antoniou to find out more about the world-class medical school at the University of Nicosia. During this webinar you will be introduced to this amazing facility on the sunny and peaceful Mediterranean island of Cyprus. They will also discuss the clinical placement opportunities in the UK, Switzerland and USA.


Lingnan Taster Programmes offered by the Global Development and Sustainability (GDS) Programme (repeat)

Workshops will cover topics such as: 

Students interested in the taster sessions should contact Mr Carson Cheung at gds@ln.edu.hk by 29 February 2024

More on the GDS programme here

Check out this podcast from the University of Southhampton 

Every month, this podcast covers different parts of the student experience, such as leaving home, money, careers advice, studying online, studying abroad and cooking. This podcast can help make your student journey a bit easier!

Their latest episode celebrates women in science by chatting to Marine Biology alum, Francesce Trotman. She founded Love the Oceans, a non-profit marine conservation organisation!

Listen HERE!

...and this podcast about how students got into specific schools

Each week the Admit One podcast talks to a student that has successfully navigated the university admissions process and got into a great school.

Students share their academic profile, extracurricular activities and application tips.

Check out this episode - 'How I got into NYU'

Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies, HKUST

To further enhance HKUST's interdisciplinary research and education, the Interdisciplinary Program Office (IPO) has been officially elevated to become the Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS), one of the Schools of HKUST.

AIS currently offers five UG programs: 

You can find more info HERE

Using Unifrog and MOOCs to Elevate your Skills (repeat)

Looking for ways to increase your knowledge base in a particular area of interest to you? Then you should be using the MOOC tool in your Unifrog account!

If you're unsure of what you want to study at university, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are a great way of trying out a subject area. 

For example, if you are keen to learn more about architecture and sustainable building design, log into Unifrog, use the MOOC function, and check out this free 13-week course from MIT. You can learn and explore key scientific principles, technologies, and analysis techniques for designing comfortable indoor environments while reducing energy use and associated climate change effects.

Setting Academic Goals (repeat)

Setting academic goals isn’t just about improving grades; it’s about taking charge of your educational and personal growth.

In essence, setting academic goals is a collaborative endeavor. It’s about more than academic achievement; it’s about nurturing a mindset of resilience, discipline and self-motivation. Remember that your parents, teachers and counsellors can help you navigate this with confidence and purpose.

Dual Degree Programme -
Modul Vienna & HK PolyU

Interested in Tourism and Hotel Management? Spend two years at two years at Modul University Vienna and two years at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and you will be awarded two degrees in just four years! You will complete 960 hours of internship and be awarded the following two degrees:

Click here for more info!

Local Competitions!

Hong Kong Clean Air Public Speaking Contest 2024

The Clean Air Student Council (CASC) is the youth branch of the Clean Air Network (CAN), an NGO that advocates for better air quality across Hong Kong, by running student-led initiatives and upholding existing projects from CAN. Their primary mission is to empower youth to advocate for Hong Kong's air quality. This year’s Hong Kong Clean Air Public Speaking Contest looks to further this, alongside the development of essential public speaking skills.


More information HERE


University Visits

Imperial, KCL & UCL are coming to RC!

On 21 February, KCL, UCL and Imperial College will be visiting us and presenting about their world renowned institutions.

King's College London is a public research university located in London. Ranked 6th in the world in the QS World University Rankings® 2023, Imperial College London is a one-of-a-kind institution in the UK, focusing solely on science, engineering, medicine and business.  UCL specializes in the arts, humanities and social sciences disciplines, and also boasts a top-rated architecture school and one of the UK’s best art schools, the Slade School of Art. 

Please make time in your schedules to attend this talk! More details to follow soon!

CUHK Law Taster Lecture

CUHK Law faculty will be visiting RCHK to introduce their Bachelor of Laws programme and discuss opportunities available for law students at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. 

The visit will include a Law Taster Lecture and question and answer session.


6 Canadian universities: Western University, York University, McMaster University, University of Victoria, Huron at Western

Highly rated universities offering all programs - and - some excellent scholarships for international students, even available to refugees - especially Huron.



CityU College of Engineering Bright Future Engineering Talent Hub - Summer STEM Activities (repeat)

The Hub organised 3 STEM activities in Summer 2023, with more than 900 secondary school students participating!

Building on its success, the Hub will continue to organise a series of experiential, fun and interactive activities for secondary school students in Summer 2024 to raise their interest in engineering.  These activities are all free of charge and open for students Y7-Y12.


Activity Date Application Deadline

Please submit your online applications by the corresponding deadlines. 

For more details and application links, please visit their website.


Newcastle Uni Medical Sciences Summer School

Newcastle University will be holding a pre-university summer school for students preparing to apply for medicine for the 2025 academic year. Students must be 16 or 17 years old during the summer school. 

Programme will include:

Click HERE for more info!

KCL Summer School

King’s offers the largest Pre-university Summer School in the UK, for excellent High School students aged 16-17 to explore university life, London and subject areas of interest. There are three one-week sessions in Summer 2024, allowing students to study up to three different modules on their central London campus for between one and three weeks. 

King’s Pre-University Summer Programme is now open for application until 31 March 2024. 

Please note: Early application offers (for applications until 14 February 2024): no application fee and save £105 on single session Pre-University Summer School

Click HERE for more info! 

Summer programs at Oberlin Conservatory

Oberlin's summer programs in Ohio provide a supportive environment for students to develop their musicianship and gain new skills. They are also an excellent way for students to get a sense of what it's like to study at Oberlin Conservatory. Summer program participants work with Oberlin's esteemed studio faculty and guest artists, and experience the Oberlin community.

You can find details about all of their summer opportunities, including harp, trumpet, piano and more HERE!

Cornell Pre-College Summer Programme

If you want to take a summer course but cannot go abroad, how about doing it online? Choose from dozens of three- and six-week online undergraduate Cornell courses in Arts and Architecture, Business and Hotel Management, Health and Humanities, International Relations, Psychology, Science and Technology, Sustainability, Veterinary Medicine, and more! More courses will be added in the coming months.

Courses are offered between June 3 and August 6, 2024. 

Click here for application information!

To Book an Appointment with your FE Counsellor...


Go to 'See your Counsellor' if you are not sure who your counsellor is.

Ms. Cheung https://kukucheung.youcanbook.me 

Ms. Rossiter https://aletharossiter.youcanbook.me

Mr. Van https://vaned2.youcanbook.me