16 April 2024

Final Reminders for Y13

Updating Unifrog and IB Final Results Request form

We need a couple of things from you before you are done with FE:

Check your deadlines!

More information found in the Y13 Leavers Pack emailed by Ms DP

Important Reminders for Y12

Students can check their assigned reference writers on 19 April!

The Year 12 reference writers have now been sorted! You can login to your Unifrog account on 19 April to check who has been assigned to write the letter that will support your university applications.

*You can find this information in your Unifrog messages.*

If you have any concerns or questions about your assigned writer, please contact careers@rchk.edu.hk by Thursday, 2 May. On 6 May we will inform teachers about who they will write for.

Year 12 FE 3WC Details 

FE 3WCs will take place in May and June

Who will attend? you, your parent(s) and your FE counsellor

What is it? a 30 minute meeting where:

And then we discuss:

When will it happen? During school hours from 13 May to 14 June 2024 - please only book an appointment when you are free.

Where? Parents on Zoom, you with your FE counsellor

Why? Your parents should be a part of your FE research and journey

How? Booking information below - Bookings can be from 8:30am-3pm (3pm last booking) from May - June. If these times are not suitable and alternative arrangements need to be made, please email your FE counsellor directly.

Check out our IG page (fe.rchk) for more details!

Year 12 Students - You can book your meeting with your FE Counsellor! 

Although our mandatory meetings have ended, you can always book a meeting with your FE counsellor when you have important matters to discuss with them.

Please book an appointment through the 'youcanbookme' website (links below):

Ms. Rossiter: Song + Qing House family names A-G - https://aletharossiter.youcanbook.me/

Mr. Van: Tang + Qing House family name H-L - https://vaned2.youcanbook.me/

Ms. Cheung: Ming + Qing House family names M-Z - https://kukucheung.youcanbook.me/

Please note that you CANNOT miss class time for this meeting.

IBCP/DP Corner

March Round-Up of Uni Visits...

On March 11 CUHK Law Professor, Jae Woon Lee, as well as Ching Pang Li (Class of 2018) visited RCHK to introduce their Bachelor of Laws programme and discuss opportunities available for law students at their university. The turnout was very good, thanks to the RCHK Law Society III, who helped us promote the event.

Special thanks to the FE Ambassadors who put together a set of notes that you can read here!

We also had a representative from The University of Galway visit us in March. You can read a summary of the visit here.

In March, Keele University also came to visit us. Keele is a top university in the UK, especially for sciences and medicine. You can read the notes that our students took here.

Finally, we also had a visit from a group of Canadian universities, Huron, Western & Victoria. Canada is globally renowned for its education system. Provincial and territorial governments there are responsible for education, and they follow standards to ensure high quality public education across the country. You can read a summary of the visit here.

FE Core Classes for Year 12 

Year 12 FE Core Classes

10 May, 17 May, 14 June, 21 June
MING & SONG - 6/F Seminar Room
TANG & QING - 4/F DP Lounge
All Y12 students attend each session

The focus of our upcoming Core classes will be essay writing for both US and UK/HK applications.

Missed our last FE Core classes?

You can access the Year 12 Core 5 (March) slides HERE 

2023-2024 Internal FE Deadlines

You can view the GDoc HERE 

The FE team sets internal deadlines to help Year 13 students keep on track with their university applications.

Parents and students can view these deadlines on the Inspire sidebar, under Year 13 > Y13 Deadlines

If you have any questions, please email careers@rchk.edu.hk

Further Education Exploration

Check out Southhampton's latest podcast about the Armenian genocide

Every month, this podcast covers different parts of the student experience, such as leaving home, money, careers advice, studying online, studying abroad and cooking. This podcast can help make your student journey a bit easier!

In their latest episode, they chat to alum Max Saakyan, creator of the extremely successful podcast 'Uncovering Roots'. Through this three-part mini-series you are immersed into the creatively told story of Aurora Mardiganian and her experiences through the Armenian genocide.

Listen HERE!

...and this podcast about how students got into specific universities 

Each week the Admit One podcast talks to a student that has successfully navigated the university admissions process and got into a great school.

In Episode 9, Ojas discusses his intense pursuit of research throughout high school, which led to him being selected to receive an MIT Think grant. Ojas and Jamie discuss the development of unique elements of his profile which include surprising success as a football player during his senior year!

Check out the episode - 'How I got into Georgia Tech'

Does community service matter in US college admissions?

Community service is often a topic of interest for parents and students considering the college admissions process. The short answer is yes, community service does matter, but perhaps not always in the way one might think. 

Community service, at its core, demonstrates a student’s willingness to invest their time and effort in making a positive impact on their community. For college admissions officers, this is an indicator of a student’s character, empathy and civic responsibility. It reflects a commitment to something larger than oneself, a quality that colleges value in their student body.

However, the impact of community service on college admissions goes beyond just ticking a box. Admissions officers look for authenticity and depth in these activities. They are more impressed by a genuine commitment to a cause over a long period than by a brief stint undertaken solely for the sake of a college application. What matters is the impact the student has made and what they have learned from the experience.

Moreover, community service can provide a rich topic for college essays. Reflecting on these experiences allows students to showcase personal growth, understanding of societal issues and the ability to effect change. It can also highlight leadership skills and initiative, especially if the student has played a key role in organizing or leading these activities.

Parents can encourage their children to engage in community service that aligns with their interests or sparks a genuine passion. The key is to approach these activities with the intent to contribute and learn, rather than just to enhance a college application.

Community service is a valuable aspect of college admissions, but its true worth for high school students lies in the genuine desire to make a difference and the personal growth that comes from these experiences.

(from https://acceptu.com/blog)


University Visits



PolyU's 'Empowering gifted minds: Nurturing the next generation of data scientists' - a great opportunity to explore data science

Supported by the Education Bureau (EDB), the 'Empowering Gifted Minds: Nurturing the Next Generation of Data Scientists' programme is designed to unleash the potential of gifted students through a variety of off-school advanced learning programmes, such as STEAM-related mentorship programme and self-initiated research study.  

Programme Objectives

Programme Delivery Period


Who is eligible to apply:

Applications can be found here - the deadline to apply is 19 April!

Join the Dean of the University of Sydney Law School, who is making a special visit to meet with students and parents. Discover the rich heritage, esteemed traditions, academic excellence and promising graduate outcomes that define USydney's Law School.


More information HERE

Charles University Medicine & Dentistry Entrance Exam in Hong Kong

Are you looking for other opportunities to study medicine or dentistry? 

In 2024, Charles University First Faculty of Medicine in The Czech Republic is once again offering an entrance exam for students in the Asia/Pacific region. This exam is conveniently timed to run one week after the conclusion of IB exams taking place in Hong Kong.

Why Study at Charles University?

Asia/Pacific Entrance Exam Schedule

Apply here!

Johns Hopkins: Telling Your Story in the U.S. Application Process

Johns Hopkins University (JHU) is hosting a public session for students and families that will cover the student experience at the university and how students are set up for success in the real world. It will also cover JHU college application review process and provide students with application tips. 

Unifrog: Online University Fair

Connect with universities from across the world! Join live sessions and chat one-on-one with universities from the US, the UK, Europe, and beyond. Learn top tips on how to find and apply to your dream university course.



Organised by the Department of Computing at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the Senior Secondary Python Programming Contest aims to foster the spirit of learning programming and enhancing the ability to solve problems efficiently. 

Participants must form a team of three members and apply through their secondary school. Team members should come from the same school but are not necessarily in the same year of study. Each team must have one team leader who will be responsible for solution submission. Each secondary school can nominate up to two teams.



REMINDER: If you need supporting documents sent to summer programs, we need two weeks' notice

Many summer programs will require supporting documents. The FE office sends these on your behalf, but in order to do this, you need to tell us WHAT to send and WHERE to send it. Also, we need two weeks' notice

So please, any time you submit an application, send the following details to applications@rchk.edu.hk:

HKU Summer Institute in the Arts and Humanities

This summer programme is now open for registration! With a wide range of courses covering the disciplines of Arabic Culture, Global and Area Studies, History, Linguistics, Museum Studies and Translation, students from all over the world will have opportunities to interact with classmates and award-winning academics while pursuing academic advancement. 

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and you are recommended to submit your application as soon as possible. The earlier you apply, the greater chance for securing a place.

More information about the courses on offer can be found here

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Summer Course

In-person in Hong Kong Artificial Intelligence intensive course for high school students taught by instructors from Stanford and MIT.

This option is particularly good as it has high output, a lower cost than other programs, and does not require air fare or accommodation.

Click here for more Summer Programmes!

To Book an Appointment with your FE Counsellor...


Go to 'See your Counsellor' if you are not sure who your counsellor is.

Ms. Cheung https://kukucheung.youcanbook.me 

Ms. Rossiter https://aletharossiter.youcanbook.me

Mr. Van https://vaned2.youcanbook.me